Daily Affirmations to Improve Your Life Through the Power of Positivity (Really!)
Daily Affirmations to Improve Your Life Through the Power of Positivity (Really!)
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There’s real power in positive thinking — and that’s a fact backed by science. When you practice self-affirmation regularly, you can actually reduce your stress levels and set yourself up for successful outcomes in the real world. If the notion feels daunting, it shouldn't: positive affirmations don’t need to be anything fussy or formal. They are simply any phrases — even short, simple ones — that you repeat regularly to internalize and emphasize the ideas. To keep your affirmations top of mind, try posting a few favor-ites on a wall where you’ll see them regularly, or keep them in a positive affirmation journal you reference daily. Here are 20 of the best daily affirmations to inspire your practice
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These short but powerful sayings touch upon work, strength, and self-love.