Your Daily CatScope for February 29, 2024

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Cats feel embarrassment just as acutely as any human, and today your major mission is to avoid that emotion! It may mean tucking yourself away somewhere quiet and safe, but it's worth it!


You want to get out of the house more than ever today -- maybe there's a friendly looking cat out there, or maybe you just want access to more sunbeams. You've got your chance, so go for it!


The humans want you to do something -- or maybe not to do it, you can't be sure. Interspecies communication is harder than ever, and it may be up to you to find a way to bridge the gap.


Try not to get too worked up over what's going on around you -- just take it all in and eventually you should be able to figure out what is really going on. Slow and steady wins the race!


Show someone close that you can be trusted -- even if the siren call of the can opener beckons! You can give them what they need and keep purring all the way through it, so build a stronger bond.

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You're almost certain to meet someone new today -- even if there's a serious barrier between sniffing them out! Your great energy makes you incredibly attractive to other critters.


Something has upset the balance at home, and you need to do something about it. Maybe you need to put that dog in its place, or maybe you need to let the humans feel like they're in control for a while.


You're all business today, even if you're alone in the house for much of that time. It may mean that you're taking care of organizing toys and dust bunnies, or that you're staring out the window like a spy satellite.


It may seem that you're totally focused on food and comfort today -- and that's probably the case! Sometimes you forgo your feline spirituality in order to make sure that your body is well taken care of.


Other kitties sit up and take notice when you strut into the room -- or down the street -- today. Your amazing personal energy is your ticket to making the right impression the first time.


You just can't understand what's going on with your human pals -- it seems that they are deliberately trying to confuse you! Don't worry about why they're doing what they're doing, at least not for now.


You need some guidance -- and that doesn't come easily to a cat! You've got the same level of pride as usual, but you may want to check it for a while to see how someone else thinks you should live.

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