
Your Daily CatScope for January 08, 2022
3 min read

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You're feeling extra-great and ready for almost anything today -- so share that great energy with someone close! It's one of those days when you can tell that you're the top cat!


You've got to be more careful about your relationships today -- you never know when you might end up stepping on toes! Even though your delicate gait shouldn't hurt anyone, someone takes offense!


All that brainpower has to be good for something, right? You should do whatever you can to make sure that all is well between you and your feline friends -- even if they all exist outside the window.


Let yourself go a little bit crazy today -- why not? You can get away with it, and the humans in your life are sure to see that your good energy is just what they need to have more fun.


Your amazing energy fills you up like a water balloon -- and you're ready to burst! Shower someone with all you've got, and they are sure to laugh and play right along with you.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Your mood is not the perfect guide to the day right now -- in fact, you may need to go against it more than once! Your weird energy is just right for quiet times, but you may need to adjust a bit.


Your best friends are close by today -- even if you can't see them. It's a good time for you to step up and show them a good time, though it may be that you're going to have to push them a little.


See the next cat, dog or other critter to cross your path as a challenge -- though not necessarily one to be met with claws and fangs! You may want to sneak around or outsmart them instead.


Get out there and have some fun! You are full of amazing energy today, and it's a sure thing that you can make the most of the day with your friends or all by yourself. Stalk a squirrel!


Today is harder than you think it ought to be -- so see if you can get your human friends to take care of you! It's one of those days when things are getting a little weirder, but you can manage.


You and one of the humans find common ground -- though you may never have had it in the past! It's a good time for you to make a deal that can satisfy you both and last for a good long time.


Your health is important today -- and it might be on the line, too! It's one of those days when you really need to make sure that you're still as spry as you were when you were a kitten, so go nuts!

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