
Your Daily CatScope for July 16, 2023
3 min read

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Look around the house or the neighborhood until you find someone in need of your help. It may take a while, but you ought to be able to do at least one good deed before you need a long nap.


You and your companions -- of whatever species -- are perfectly delighted in each other's company today. It might be a good time for the humans to get out the camera, if they're not completely covered in furballs!


You need to figure some stuff out today and you ought to be able to add two and two together (figuratively, anyway) and come up with some solid answers. The humans are no help, though!


Relax and enjoy the company of whomever stops by to say hello -- you are feeling much more welcoming than usual! Of course, there are some folks who get under your skin, but you may be able to ignore them.


It's one of those days when you need to think hard -- but you might not have all that much time for it! Napping might have to take the place of introspection, but it should do the trick just the same.

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!


You get a gold star for the day! Maybe you finally tackle that bully in the neighborhood or maybe you reach out to someone who thinks they hate cats. Either way, you win big and everyone knows it!


Try not to freak out too much about the little stuff today -- though that is going to be hard. It may be that you try to track two bugs or birds at once, which is a sure recipe for insanity!


You're hiding something from the humans and while that makes you feel a little naughty, it also fills you with a perverse pleasure. Eventually you'll clue them in, but enjoy the feeling while it lasts.


Dealing with the humans -- one in particular -- is much harder than usual, because you just don't want to be told what to do and they think they need to rope you in. It's tough, but you'll all make it through the day.


Evil schemes don't come naturally to you -- but on a day like today, you can dream up almost anything! There's no need to get to work on them right away, though. You can take action later.


Try not to take anything at face value today -- there's sure to be a lot more going on underneath the surface! You may need to try something a little wild in order to get to the truth.


You may need to push yourself on someone harder than usual, if only to get the petting you know you deserve. It's a good day to bring your desires to life in any form that seems right to you.

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