Your Daily CatScope for October 23, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Your emotional side is out in force today, which could mean that you're feisty or just plain ornery. If there are any smaller kitties nearby, they had better watch out -- you are pretty impatient for sure!


Your passionate side is showing and the humans you love best had better make time for a cuddle session or three. All you want is a warm lap to snuggle in and you're likely to get one!


The people you live with might decide that today is perfect for a car trip -- which means the V-E-T and you don't want any part of that! You lead them on a merry chase, but they win, like they always do.


Things are changing in a big way, but this time you don't mind so much. In fact, you might be the first to identify the positive side of the current situation. Let the humans know you're on board!


Someone in trying to take what's rightfully yours -- but don't back down! You might not even realize what's happening until you're right in the middle of it, so that means you'll have to act fast!

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You are especially talkative today and that could mean that you're singing all night long or that you've got an urgent message for your favorite human. Make sure that things are quiet when you get started.


You're feeling the urge to explore some aspect of your home or neighborhood and you should go in deep. Things are pretty cool out there and your new obsession may pay off in a big way!


Your magnetic energy is drawing attention away from other cats -- which is the way it should be, of course! You should get extra petting and treats from the humans who can't stop staring.


You need to pay closer attention to your dreams today -- they are clues to big events that are coming up in your feline life. In fact, maybe you should stay asleep all day long, if possible!


Exert your social power over the family today -- you can do it subtly, but you should take pains to let everyone know where you stand. It's a good time to step up and make a play for being top cat.


Your emotions are going kind of nuts today, but that's all right -- just because you're feeling things more deeply, that doesn't mean you're necessarily having a bad day. Start purring!


You may not feel too great about the latest craze that's taken over your feline community. If not, just say no -- you can have a perfectly great day just hanging out on your own in the closet!

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