Your Daily CatScope for September 18, 2021
While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.
You are feeling a little stressed out or anxious today -- and there's not much you can do about it. Try to reach out to a human pal and see if they can help out with a belly rub or something like it.
Chat up a friend -- you need to make sure that you're still as connected as you'd thought! Of course, you might not speak each others' language, but that shouldn't stop you from saying what's important.
You're a real wheeler-dealer among kitties, and if you get to go outside, there's no limit to what you can get out of your fellow felines. It's a good time to get them to give up their toys or snacks.
Make sure you're making the rounds today -- you need to spread all that good energy around! It might feel as if you're being followed by someone, but that's just the trail of sweetness in your wake.
No matter what kind of madness is following you around today, you're totally in control of yourself. It's a good time for you to show off to the humans -- they need to see that you can be trusted!
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You should try to push things a bit today -- you've got leadership qualities that routinely go untapped! Other cats are more willing to follow along, too, so it's win-win all the way around.
You need to do what you can to avoid worrying too much today -- even though your usual routines are sure to be disrupted. If the humans are as little late, cut them some slack -- this time.
You can get almost anything you want today -- just step up and make sure that you're using some of that great energy that is welling up inside you. The humans can't stop you this time!
You need to distance yourself from one of your housemates -- even if they keep following you all over the place! It's a good day for you to find a sweet hiding spot and just stay there.
If it's not clear to you what you should be doing, do what you're best at: take a nap! The humans can take care of anything that requires thumbs, and they exist to serve your needs anyway, right?
Let yourself express your feelings out loud -- even when the humans are around and it might get embarrassing! It's one of those days when brutal honesty is far better than bottling it all up.
Your best friends and feline buddies are all having plenty of good fun, thanks to your presence! It's easy to see how you fit into the whole, and you feel just right about the family scene.
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