Your Daily Couples Horoscope for July 26, 2024

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


You're normally outgoing, but now you feel like you don't want to be around anyone, not even your partner. Let them know what's going on, then give yourself space to be alone with your feelings.


You are feeling extra connected to your partner today. A talk about what you want for your future will go well because you are both on the same page about what that is.


What kind of things do you do in your daydreams? Share those fantasies with your loved one, and enlist their help to make them a reality. Don't be afraid. If you can dream it, you can be it!


Your relationship continues to deepen and grow stronger. Today you find yourself exploring the depths of your heart, and discovering new ways to show how much you care about your loved one.


Your loved one might require a little extra nurturing today. Be attentive to their needs, and offer to stay in and chill with them. They'll feel loved knowing you are so concerned about them.

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Sometimes it's hard for your partner to tell you what they're thinking, so you'll have to read between the lines. Pay attention to the clues, and don't be afraid to ask questions too.


Maybe you read it, maybe you overheard it at the gym. Wherever you learned about it, you're curious to try out that new technique with your partner. Don't be shy, go for it!


Sometimes the best way out of a tough situation is to work right through it. Difficulties in a relationship are normal. When you're on the other side, you'll be stronger than you were before.


Today is all about romancing your partner. Get the mood started at dinner by choosing foods you can take turns feeding each other. If your entree goes over well, you may never make it to dessert.


A slip of the tongue causes you to reveal something to your partner that you didn't mean to say. Instead of being embarrassed, think of it as an opportunity to explore something together.


You may need to be extra forgiving of your partner today. If their quirks are getting on your nerves, try not to let it show. They'll return the favor when you're the one acting a little strange!


Today the desire to be near or in water is pretty powerful. If you live near an ocean or lake, you're in luck. If you don't, consider taking your partner to a spa for a soak in a hot tub for two.

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