
Your Daily FinanceScope for July 09, 2023
3 min read

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


The rapid-fire pace of the week has you longing for a weekend of rest. Don't count on it. The least you should do before tackling new obligations is to clear some of your emotions out of the way. Visualize raking leaves.


Strange, you feel happy and even content, and you're not anywhere near your financial goals. Don't get too comfortable with the feeling. You need a bit of dissatisfaction -- it's just the right fuel to keep you going after the green. Consider this simply a pit stop.


The less you think you have, the more stingy and possessive you feel. Things are getting downright ugly and yet you just can't keep from comparing yourself to others. Giving yourself a makeover is as simple as looking below you instead of above.


You're only tempted by double-your-money offers, even though you can spot the snake oil from a mile away. Sometimes the thrill of risking everything is just what you need to jolt yourself into a new energy high, even if you know you'll ultimately end low on cash.


Being modest makes you feel good. Not only is it worth more than money to you, but it's actually bringing you some. Your good attitude is making itself noticed to those sensitive to what matters most. They coincidentally hold the purse strings.

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The time to organize your weekend is now. The less you put into this stage of the game, the more you're likely to spend once it gets started. Your friends will be no help at all when it comes to keeping your money in the bank where it belongs.


Things don't pay off immediately, and you're anxious to see results. You'll just have to wait. At least you have the weekend to take your mind off of your lack of progress. The so-called smaller things in life take on huge proportions.


You'll be craving foreign food, but won't let yourself open your wallet to get it. Your self-discipline pays off. Luckily for you, someone offers to take you out before you can spend too much time salivating over your daydreams. You'll be ready with just the right restaurant to suggest.


You can't afford to let your moods be your navigational device. They and your budget are wildly mismatched. Keep your wallet in the driver's seat and you'll be sure to stay both on the right road, and on track.


The more you look into something, the more corners you find to cut. You can take it to an extreme and still be able to function, even though those around you might overreact to your budget cutting. Stay firm.


Getting excited is just as bad for business as being blase. Keep your emotions under tight wraps today. Those around you want to know you're making financial decisions based on cold, hard facts alone.


Everyone wants to be appreciated, but you don't have to spend a bundle to show how you feel. The small gestures go a long way today, and are ultimately more meaningful than money anyway.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.
