Your Daily FinanceScope for September 30, 2022
The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!
Things are looking up, but just how far up is not yet clear. Why put anything in writing before you are sure? You could miss out on a big windfall if you carve your name in stone.
You and the people around you suddenly seem to share common goals. Caring only about profit is so passé. That said, make sure you earn your bread and butter before spending too much helping others.
The financial blunders of the immediate past seem like just misunderstandings. If only it was that easy to start fresh. But too many things still need to be cleaned up before you should loosen your grip on your wallet.
You don't have to be a psychic or an intuitive to feel it. If you're at all in tune with others, you'll tap into nothing but good energy. But when it comes to investing, you should still use your intellect rather than your emotions.
Be patient. Someone is working on a new approach even as you read this. But don't confuse being patient with being cautious. Go ahead, make some crazy investments.
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Everything is mutable, and the change has just begun. It's all for the better, true. But let yourself figure out the lay of the new landscape before investing your money.
Don't get upset if things don't progress overnight. The hardest part is over, even if the dividends haven't yet appeared. It's not time to sit back and wait, but do cut yourself a bit of slack.
Reality and fantasy intertwine, but it won't feel like this forever. Soon it will simply be the norm. Enjoy the lottery daydreaming while it lasts.
The human race has decided it's a good time to expand its horizons. You can apply that to your own life, too. Look for change that is long overdue, and not of the monetary variety.
You're feeling good, and that's the only pay back you need at the moment. Financial gains are in the future, but for now, enjoy the value of connecting with others.
While the world is recalibrating, take the opportunity to reevaluate your own values. Profit at any cost is definitely out. Reject gluttony, whether or not you profited from the orgy.
You don't need a makeover. Do something valuable for yourself, and one that doesn't cost a penny. Rediscover who you really are and what you really want.
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