Your Daily FoodScope for March 13, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You may be obligated to family dinner tonight. You don't mind but you had better stop at the pizza parlor for a few slices beforehand. It'll be slim pickings after grandma's ham comes out of the oven looking like a meteorite.


Don't reveal your feelings at dinner tonight. Bursting into tears in the middle of a five course Chinese meal will be embarrassing, mainly to your friends. How can they enjoy shrimp dumplings and roasted duck when they're dripping with your tears?


The kids will be cranky if they don't get what they want today. So give it to them, if only to get them off your back. Besides, dinner at an Italian restaurant can be a fun bonding experience. Everybody can have pizza and you can have a lot of wine.


Boldly go for the things you want today. Asserting yourself will be intimidating, and people will back down to you. Then that last bear claw will be yours, and you'll have no intention of sharing it with anyone.


At times you can be as warm and comforting as a big steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup. But, oh, how quickly your moods can change! Once someone gets on your bad side you can be as cold as gazpacho or as fiery as chili.

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The volatility of family gatherings makes it feel like you're dancing on a volcano. But act as peacekeeper and everyone may actually enjoy the pot roast and steamed brussels sprouts. If not, that gravy thrown in your face will feel just like lava.


Friends' socializing suggestions may disrupt your routine. So don't get upset if your plans for the day don't progress. A make-your-own omelet brunch will be more fun than working around the house, especially after those mimosas kick in.


The ambiance of a French restaurant may have you feeling like you're in gay Paris! And after a few escargots and a plate of Pot-au-feu you may start looking down your nose at people and smoking in public.


Follow your moods today, unless you're feeling like Donald Duck. In that case, stick to yourself. Take your aggression out on a porterhouse steak and baked potato instead. This way that really sharp knife won't hurt innocent bystanders.


Show your devotion to your honey tonight by preparing a romantic dinner. It won't have to be fancy; grilled salmon fillets, rice pilaf and steamed brussels sprouts will be fine. It's what happens afterward that will be special.


Repair the things around the house that need it today and get on with your life. Work efficiently and you'll soon be relaxing on the couch watching TV. Reward yourself with a large sausage pizza and garlic bread. You deserve it.


Poetry and food will be your creative muse today. So get creative in the kitchen and invite friends for dinner. They'll call your beef stroganoff a work of art. But avoid reading your latest poetry afterward or you could witness a mad rush for the door.

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