Your Daily FoodScope for October 12, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


In your tireless pursuit of the delicious, remember your manners today. If this means that you concede to a co-worker's request for pizza at the company meeting (instead of the pastrami on rye you've been craving), so be it. Getting your way on everything isn't winning today, it's tyranny.


Embrace the insights of new people today, but don't put them up on a pedestal. Take them outside of their comfort zone by serving up a plate of chicken livers, scrapple or beef tartar. You'll find out what their limits are.


Look deeper into every question that you face, today. Soup or salad? Isn't it time you stepped away from the iceburg? Fries or 'slaw? When was the last time you ate a side that wasn't dripping in oil or mayo?


Relationships with friends may be strained, so focus on time with the coworkers you get along best with, today. Share your hidden stash of homemade cookies with your cubemate, and you may just find out they have their own to share with you!


Today begins like the stern task-master it is: with restriction. So embrace the challenge and eliminate something harmful from your diet. Cutting out sugar, for example, will make this challenging week go that much smoother.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


Get out of the office as early as possible today, and find something you've been looking for. It could be as complex as the 12-spice blend you need to make the perfect yellow curry, or it could be as simple as ferreting out the best dense coffee cake from a local bakery. Get hunting!


Explore your connections with power today. Is there something you've been doing because your boss does, or are you free of the neophyte behaviors that others think you have? Ask yourself that while you chow down on the same tuna nicoise salad that your boss has eaten for five years straight.


Trust that little voice in the back of your head when making decisions today. If it happens to be telling you 'That piece of meat looks a little grey,' or 'You don't need thirds of the berry cobbler!' make sure you listen extra carefully.


Today brings more good news, this time at work. Communication with your boss may yield important information. Pick their brain over lunch, taking them somewhere conducive to conversation instead of your usual favorite haunt, the greasy spoon.


Good things will happen all day long, and you deserve this brief respite of reward. Celebrate your fortune by breaking bread with your friends and family. Even a BBQ friendly, so break out the burgers and get to it.


Never one to stay in, today will have you craving a new social scene. Rustle up a crew to join you at a local bar's trivia night. Even if you don't drink, the beer-battered fish and chips and bar snacks are the perfect complement to the salty humor of your chums.


Trouble at work is still possible, so keep your head down and your lip zipped. Cut loose on your coffee break by seeking out a different sort of treat. Thai iced coffee is super sweet and rich, and totally different than your Starbucks norm.

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