Your Daily FoodScope for September 09, 2024

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Don't worry about using family members to your advantage today. Guilt won't be a problem when you have them make you French toast and sausage for breakfast, tuna melts for lunch, and chicken parmesan for dinner. You cook for them every day of the week, and today it'll be their turn to return the favor.


Like Carrie Bradshaw and the rest of the 'Sex And The City' gals, you may have a fondness for cosmos. But vodka also has a host of other surprising uses, like removing mold, treating poison ivy, preserving flowers and repelling insects. Even the imaginative Ms. Bradshaw didn't think of that.


Undercurrents of tension may affect the household serenity today. So it may be up to you to turn the mood from fearful to cheerful. A stack of homemade chocolate chip cookies may brighten everyone's mood, especially if you serve them with vanilla milkshakes.


Dealing with personal issues could keep you from socializing with friends today. You'd rather be alone with your thoughts and a very large, very cheesy vegetable lasagna. Its soothing effects could have you seeing that things aren't so bad, and you may even ring up friends to join you.


A dear friend may need a shoulder to cry on today, and you're more than willing to oblige. Your pal will be deeply grateful for your support, advice and the enchiladas and huevos rancheros you'll whip up specifically for the occasion.

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You'll finally get all of your home projects completed today, so reward yourself by working some more. Putting together spinach stuffed pork chops with dijon sauce for dinner won't seem like work at all, and neither will feasting on it.


Looking at pictures taken ten years and twenty pounds ago will only make you depressed. Focus on the here and now, as well as the future. That Italian hoagie you have in your hands may be part of the problem. But switching to chicken, fish, yogurt and lots of other nutritious foods could easily turn back the hands of time.


You'll be determined not to overindulge at a neighbor's get-together today. But the sight of barbecued beef ribs, cheeseburgers, potato salad and potato chips may send a shiver down your spine. A small platter of food will be okay, but leave the feedbag at home.


Typical of your original way of thinking, you'll plan an outdoor barbecue sans meat. Veggie burgers, grilled Portobello mushrooms or eggplant and tofu kebabs will be an interesting and healthy alternative to the same old same old. Your guests won't mind as long as you also serve good old-fashioned beer.


You'll need stamina to get you through an active day. Snacking on fruit like mango and bananas will help, while hard-boiled eggs will also fuel the fire. But try to get in a slow-burning carb meal at midday if you can. A grilled chicken rice bowl with steamed veggies will be perfect.


You'll be too tired to do anything but crash on the couch today, but your family will have other ideas. So agree to help with their chores and errands as long as you get something in return. A home-cooked dinner will be your bargaining chip, although take out mu gu gai pan and egg roll will be an acceptable alternative.


Your family may be tired of the weekly spaghetti and meatball dinner, so wow them with something new and original today. Andouille sausage and shrimp gumbo will knock their socks off, especially if you make it slightly on the spicy side.

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