
Your Daily HomeScope for April 14, 2022
3 min read

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Your reputation as a perfectionist is your top concern even with household shores. But now your children want to join in, too. Let them make their own festive mess before you micromanage them. After all, they will have to learn their own perfect ways. Have fun and don't fuss.


Knowing your purpose will get you through this day and this month. Be clever to make your acerbic point with all who enter your home.


There is purpose in your activity today as you pull boxes down from the garage rafters. But be careful while on the ladder.


Pride in ownership becomes you. Your housemates may not be so cheerful when they find you painting the wall maroon, but it sure looks great with your modern black furniture.


Let your ego go and be ready to receive the gifts life offers you today. When your grown children come over and offer to clean the yard of dead leaves and weeds, be gracious in your thanks. Your return gift can be a wonderfully satisfying beef barley stew at the end of the day.

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Of course it is an old wives tale that children come from the cabbage patch. Cabbage is simply a green, leafy vegetable that is healthy to eat. And it is good to eat healthy when your body is caring for two. An appointment to the doctor and a visit to the baby furniture store are both advisable.


Shake yourself off. Snap out of the doldrums and do something. Bake some cookies, paint your front door a cheery color or call a friend. Shift yourself to another place. Maybe a long walk will put you in the right frame of mind.


Catnip is a simple herb to grow indoors on your window sill. Use it to make catnip and rose petal tea. It is calming to the digestive system. Plus, your feline friends will love an extra-fresh version of their favorite treat.


It is not what we are born with, but what we make of ourselves that matters. To know yourself you must have the time to meditate. Make a special corner in your house where you will not be disturbed. Let your housemates know that this is your undisturbed time. Play music that sets your mind free. Contemplate what you may become.


There's a trick to getting what you want: ask for it. Have you taken the time to ask yourself that? Your task for today is to sit and ask yourself, 'What do I want?' Then write it down and put it on the bathroom mirror where you can see it everyday. Your wish will eventually come to fruition.


When was the last time you got together with your extended family? Whenever it was, it's too long ago. Begin to plan the dinner that will bring them home and connect with each other to the place they belong.


Stress and the munchies walk hand in hand these days. Getting enough sleep can help you combat overeating. One trick for getting the most out of sleep is making your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep, not a room you read or work in.

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