Your Daily HomeScope for December 02, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Keep it light and frivolous today -- your backbone simply won't be able to take the weight. This, of course, applies to moving heavy furniture, but more abstractly might apply to discussing sensitive issues. Skip watching a sad or poignant movie and strengthen your body by stretching to a yoga or tai chi video.


With your days going faster than you could imagine, with nary a calm moment between breakfast and dinner, you can't quite comprehend the concept of wasting time. That is, until you are waiting for a pie to cool in the windowsill. The minutes simply won't go quickly enough as you wait to slice into its ruby-red deliciousness. Reroute the barreling course of the day by starting dinner with dessert.


Are the birds in the yard flirting with each other? Most likely that is the reason behind all of that chatter. Enjoy listening in on a language that you can't understand, but on a chemistry that you do with your partner sitting beside you. Add more of the wild, graceful liveliness to your own relationship by making up secret sentences to say as you pass each other in the hall.


All you want to do is go outside and put the finishing touches on your new deck, but indoor duties are sadly calling. Prep the pots you must wash by hand by soaking them in soapy water. Use a nylon scrubby on pots to remove black marks left by utensils. You will be able to get out faster and enjoy the gorgeous day


What are you going to do for the family reunion this year? You don't have to handle this enormous event by yourself; indeed, it will be more of a family affair with you allow members to use their talents. A brainstorming session will spread the responsibilities of treasurer, archivist, food manager and lodging coordinator evenly, while removing extra stress from your life.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Your company has just given you the green light to work from home. Now that your dream of working in your shorts or pajamas and eating lunch in your garden is a reality, consult your wireless carrier or computer guru to make sure your system is secure and that the signal reaches all the way to your grape arbor.


It's never too soon to start thinking about what you'll give as gifts to loved ones throughout the year. Go on a spree at your local craft shop and buy sock yarn for everyone you know. When it's all laid out together, it really does take quite a pile of yarn to knit a little something for all your special people. Not into knitting? Accessorize sock tops by stitching on lace and beads.


It's not at all strange that the thing you love most about your latest antique purchase is its imperfections. These are the things that tell the story, and bear the sign of human touch. The charm of an antique, after all, is how it is worn and how you can tell from a glance how it has been used, loved, protected and abused. A set of coasters keep plants or glasses from touching the actual wood.


The lawn mower is humming outside and you can hear the tinkling of washed glasses in the next room. It seems that the entire house has come together to prepare for tonight's gathering. With the team doing your bidding, you can take the time to fold napkins in style at all 18 place settings.


You got as far as knowing that you want to make a quilt, but as for the choice of fabric or color or the design, you've been completely stuck. Help inspiration hit by deciding if the quilt goes on a bed or is to be a wall hanging, then walk around the room it is for and the vision will come to you.


You may not be a painter with oils and canvas, but you can certainly paint in other formats. Start with purple iris and orange gladiolas in a cobalt blue vase to add eye-popping color to your table.


If you want to have a creative window of time today, you may have to run briskly through some tasks. Wear gloves while washing dishes so you don't damage the polish on your nails. Take a moment before you head out the door to run errands to make sure you transferred your cell phone and your wallet into your purse of the day.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.