
Your Daily HomeScope for February 21, 2022
3 min read

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Greet the weekend with some bright ideas. Speaking of which, how's the lighting in your living room? Glaringly bright? So soft that you can't snuggle up and read a book? This may be the perfect time to reconsider your wattage.


As a result of some intense energy, you're probably going to need some intense dark chocolate by the weekend. Why not try out that new chocolate cake recipe -- yes, the one with coffee beans and cream cheese -- and invite a friend over.


By the weekend, all of that soul-searching you've been doing will have paid off. A light meal and a long talk with your housemate will leave you feeling energized and insightful.


You are going to ooze with effortless charm and vivacity this evening. If you have guests over, they'll likely play whatever crazy game you suggest, and would probably even boogie down if you decided to make it a dance party.


Your creative surge this week just might leave you with a few loose ends hanging around the house. Take some time this afternoon to wrap up your projects, hang the framed masterpieces on the wall, and put away your crayons.

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Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. Stop in at that Indian market you've been wondering about, and later, you and a friend may find yourselves watching an online movie on how to roast an eggplant.


If the moment arises tonight, don't be scared to bring up that skylight you've been envisioning, or the oriental rug you so desperately want for the dining room. You may be pleasantly surprised by your housemate's reaction.


Your housemates know that you're going to a party tonight, but they don't understand that the party is at your house! Write a note, make a call and do whatever you can to ensure that everyone is on the same page.


It's been a tough week, but the weekend will find you in a rare, silly mood. Make an easy dinner -- tacos? -- and have some friends over for margaritas and a game that involves joyful screaming and celebration.


As you were watering the plants this afternoon, you saw them -- aphids! If you can, get yourself to the plant nursery for a non-toxic solution and nip the problem in the bud -- literally.


By the weekend, the weight of the world will be heavy on your mind. Since you're not the type to passively let things slide, make a change in your household and your community. Perhaps a new recycling program is in your future?


This morning will begin with a realization -- it's time to break an old habit. It could be as simple as making yourself eat breakfast before going to work. Take yourself seriously and stock the cupboards with cereal in preparation for tomorrow morning.

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