Your Daily HomeScope for June 28, 2024

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


When you imagined selling your living room set online, you thought you'd have a string of queries and a person picking up the furniture that night. The fantasy, it seems, is not the reality. Be patient with the slow nature of the process and perhaps consider lowering your asking price.


Some things are worth paying top dollar for and some things definitely are not. As you weigh the pros and cons of buying a new set of guest towels, think about whether or not you want to invoke a five-star hotel or an old-timey motor lodge.


With the air crisp and clear, spend some time in your yard today with a set of binoculars hanging around your neck. You may just be able to catch a straggling set of migrating birds flying in a breathtaking pattern.


Get out your hand-held blender and make a nice, creamy, homemade soup today, complimented by a good knob of crusty baguette. The biggest question you have to ask yourself today: Will it be carrot ginger? Or cream of asparagus?


As you visit your friend at the craft fair today, try to feel inspired rather than green with envy. You are capable of making everything that these vendors have created -- all you need is a craft book, a glue gun and most importantly, discipline.

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Find an unusual spot to eat dinner tonight, though not necessarily in a restaurant. Try eating your broiled sea bass off of the coffee table while seated on the floor, or enjoy your bowl of chili on the porch swing with a blanket tossed over your lap.


Be consciously courteous as you move through your day. Though your home is the most comfortable place you have in the world, it's a lot more comfortable for your housemates when your dishes aren't in the sink and when your shoes aren't under the coffee table.


As you snuggle beneath a blanket indoors, you may find yourself wondering what you can do to keep your plants warm out in the yard. A compost of grass clippings and kitchen scraps will not only feed your outdoor plants, it will also insulate them throughout the cooler months.


With your hands steady and your mind focused, you're ready to take on any detail-oriented tasks today. Why not take apart and clean your antique clock? With patience and a good memory, you will have no trouble putting the pieces back together.


As much as you may want to run about town at a frantic pace today, force yourself to take some time to relax. Maybe all you need is an hour reading a book in a comfortable chair. Give your shoulders a chance to relax and your mind an opportunity to unwind.


Whether it's big or small, try to make a discovery today. After all, finding a new and inventive way to dice an onion can be almost as gratifying as discovering an antique gilded mirror in the basement.


A recent throw pillow purchase may pay off handsomely as you doze on the couch this afternoon. You may not think you're sleepy, but as soon as your cheek hits the chenille lining, your eyes may involuntarily flutter closed.

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