Your Daily HomeScope for March 19, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You promised that you'd build a tree house, but it doesn't mean that you have to go about it alone. This is a perfect opportunity, in fact, to not only get some help but to show that youngster a thing or two about a hammer and nails.


Without thinking, you picked up the nonstick pan and started cleaning with the abrasive side of the sponge. Well, its smooth surface may have been scratched, but it'll still flip pancakes. Maybe it's time to switch to cast iron?


A very odd dinner guest may be joining you this evening. Keep your household (and yourself) in check as you interact at the dining room table. Miss Manners would be very displeased if food was thrown during the second course!


An unexpected stroke of good luck may find you with a bit of extra cash on your hands. Before you spend it all on the first pretty thing you see, consult with your housemate. What are the projects that you've been saving for all these years?


The dry weather and heavy winds have blown in a fearsome foe -- static electricity. Get ready for your polyesters to cling to themselves, and for walks across the carpet to result in nasty shocks. Keep a water bottle nearby for emergency spritzing.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!


A visit to a salvage yard will get you thinking about alternative methods of storage. Who would have thought that a row of retro lockers from a junior high school would make cool entryway coat storage?


A day indoors will have you inspired to try making a new confection in your kitchen laboratory. Get a double boiler going with a nice, thick caramel sauce. Why not make candy apples at home?


Despite having the utmost respect for your elders, they are also driving you up the wall at the moment. Listen patiently to their advice about how to adequately plan for the big party next week, but in the end, go with your own instincts.


Expect a little bit of flattery this week as you humbly reveal your handiwork. You will likely hear things such as 'you made that?' or 'can you show me how?' Try not to blush, and gracefully make a date to share your skills.


You may have come to rely on salt a little bit too much recently, letting it do all the work in bringing out the flavors. Challenge yourself to cut back, letting the unusual ingredients and fresh herbs bring out the true flavor of the food.


Today, you realize that, more than ever, you could use a roof over your garden tools. Now all you have to do is sketch out a plan and figure out how you'll get it built before the foul weather really hits.


As you reach for the cereal this morning, you may find yourself fantasizing about new kitchen cabinets. Let your hand pause on the handle for a moment, allowing yourself to envision how you would refinish the wood if you had the money to do so.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??