Your Daily HomeScope for October 07, 2022

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Your phone might go off in the bottom of your bag if you're not careful, randomly speed-dialing friends, neighbors and co-workers. You're set to have rapid and rewarding communication today through the telephone and email -- you see the advantage of the efficiency and practicality of getting the job done without the small talk of face to face.


Don't plan long-term projects today that leave you feeling burdened. That's not the point of today. Instead, undertake tasks that excite you -- those you could relish by month's end.


As you linger over plants (you'll need ones that oxygenate and surface plants to reduce algae growth) at the garden store that might attract creatures to your pond, you can't help but strike up a conversation about the abundance of tadpoles wriggling in your pond. Meeting lots of people will come naturally today -- you are talkative and friendly wherever you go.


You know the lushness of velvet will be the perfect accent to your living room. You'll find yourself walking on the wild side a bit, with design ideas, the choice to try a new take-out place or your desire to give your bags to the thrift store without going through them twice.


You're inclined to intellectualizing and you feel no shame in taking things to the cerebral limits. Your garden is the perfect grounds for sowing the seeds of discussion as you work alongside a housemate to divide your bulbs.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??


It's the perfect day to get together with your knitting group and decide on a collaborative project. Perhaps you all decide to create the same thing, appreciating the diversions and differences that arise. Work on something together with a group of friends in which every individual contributes.


You're walking on eggshells around your own emotions because you know all this duality is throwing you off balance. You need to focus on grounding projects, such as planting the exorbitant amount of plants you picked up at the garden store. Add good compost to the bottom of the hole and just let your mind go.


It's a fantastic day to get exactly what you want around the house. You're craving an evening with others, cooking in the kitchen and talking about the day's events. Don't shy away from controversy -- your intellect seeks a challenge from a good discussion.


It's one of those days when you look down at the grocery store and notice you're wearing mismatched knee-high socks with a skirt. It is not, however, one of those days when you should run home and change. Flexibility will help you get through awkward situations.


You were up like a shot this morning, doing the dishes and mopping the kitchen, but later on, you couldn't avoid the couch and your book if you'd tried. Extremes in energy can be balanced by following new ideas that keep skipping through the day.


It's time to move on and forget the tragedy of last summer's tomatoes. There's no need to blame anyone for the broken lawn mower either. You are inspired to turn over a new leaf and start afresh, leaving emotional bygones where they belong.


You are Alfred Hitchcock in your backyard, following the mystery within your fence involving a heap of grass and orange rinds, making it into a creative play. You are the narrator of your surroundings and the actor in the play of a slice of your life, complete with smoke and mirrors.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!