Your Daily HomeScope for October 13, 2021
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
Convalescing for you means time to knit. If you're in the middle of a complicated project, recommit to finishing it. But if you're starting over, pick items that yield instant gratitude -- socks, scarves and hats are it when you want to see immediate results.
You and everyone in your household are prone to get attached to things. So if you agree to watch your neighbor's cat while he or she is away on an extended vacation, make it clear to everyone that this animal is a visitor -- no wining when it has to go back to its original owners.
If you're not well prepared right now, you could come up short, and in a bad way. So buy a couple extra skeins of yarn from the same dye lot before you start knitting that sweater. That way, if you run out at the end of the project, you'll have a extra yarn to finish your awesome creation.
Somehow, words transmitted via email or text lose their meaning today. So go ahead and give yourself time to write a real letter to a dear, faraway friend. Use handmade recycled paper and break out the calligraphy pens to make it special as well as thoughtful. He or she will cherish this gesture for years to come.
Love the filing cabinets, hate the color. Uh, that's why they made spray paint. Go ahead and customize your office, just make sure you practice first. Spray from left to right and back again with the can held level on a piece of cardboard before you begin.
What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??
You're yearning for a new look, but that requires lots of time, money and effort -- things you just don't have right now. An easy way to freshen up a room is to rearrange the furniture. But that requires energy. Exercise a bit of brain before brawn. Make a long room seem wider by placing pieces at a right angle to a long wall.
Life's not a competition, and even a sign as mellow as yours gets caught up in being better than everyone else. So don't be green with envy when your guests swoon over your neighbor's ambrosia salad at your potluck. Learn to be happy for the accomplishments of others.
It's easy to jump to conclusions and judge, but be thrifty with your labels of other people. Remember, when you point one finger at someone, three are pointing back at you. Find ways to contribute to the world, not take away from it -- you're talented, so that shouldn't be too hard a task.
When your routine is off, nothing seems to work smoothly. So if you're struggling to make it to your commitments on time, look at your method. If nothing is where it's supposed to be, you're definitely holding yourself back. Establish a central location and keep sunglasses, keys and purses there -- don't waste precious minutes searching.
When your minor tasks for the day are accomplished, head outdoors to enjoy the air with friends. Sure, you're tempted to sit inside and finish up those spreadsheets you didn't get to yesterday, but don't. The days of summer are so numbered -- get out in the sun while you still can.
You love wildlife and those critters love your garden, but taming the wild beast is not on your list of talents. Find cruelty-free ways to control the pests and animals who feed on your home-grown greenery. Sure, it may take a little extra work, but it'll be so worth it.
You're emerging from a dark shell, and that soul of yours yearns for water. So if you're anywhere near a lake, a river or the ocean, pack up a lunch and head to the shores. Spend the day lolling in the sun and drinking tea. Just make sure you slather on plenty of sunscreen to protect that sensitive skin of yours.
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