Your Daily HomeScope for September 09, 2024

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Lethargy may be the feeling of the day, especially as you contemplate your well-used kitchen. Spritz dried food on countertops with cleaning solution and let it soak before you take out the giant scrubber. Watch for spills in front of the stove and refrigerator that might ruin the hardwood floors.


As you help your family focus with gratitude on what you have, make a plan for giving away good things you don't need and donating time to community causes you believe in.


You are past crying over spilt milk but a dress ruined by leaking shampoo is not out of the question. Be certain the caps are closed tightly on your cosmetics and personal care products as you pack. Put them in a plastic bag before placing them in your luggage.


Partnerships are especially fun when the couple is working together. It is a fine day to help your significant other or roommate install the pegboard for their tools in the garage even if it is not your normal domain.


Don't dread adversity. Consider the plants that enliven your home. They survived through the many months. Because of your loving hands they thrive. So will you. Keep watering and caring for them.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!


Your video camera was busy yesterday. Keep using it today to track more experiences, less wow moments probably, but certainly still fun. And don't forget to back up those memories ASAP!


Let others mob the mall and jostle for the best sale pickings they don't really need. Stay in and play games with the family or read a good book or have conversations and leftovers. Celebrate life - not the almighty dollar.


If you feel you must make life goals, make two or three very specific ones and outline how you are going to achieve them. Friends with like-minded goals can help you on your journey.


The dream vacation you long for requires but three things: commitment, planning and funding. Get started today and months from now you will be sailing away.


With your aging parent coming to stay - or you going to them - some changes need to be made. Slip guards in the bottom of the tub will make the first thoughtful addition.


Needing and wanting are two different things. Rent ski equipment before you decide whether this is a sport you will continue for more than a season. Don't spend the money or create more waste on a passing fancy (after all, you've done it before).


It is in telling our stories that we become real. Begin to write the story of your life for those that come after you. Get a new notebook or online diary and just write. You never know where it will take you.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!