Your Daily MomScope for August 31, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Your social life hits the fast track today. You'll likely issue more invitations than you receive, as you're in a party mood. Although the main motivation is fun, some people you invite prod you to believe in yourself. Listen to them.


If you're willing to step out of your usual circle, this will be a day of pleasant surprises. Accept a social invitation (or two) from people you don't usually associate with. You just might end up with a new friend.


You could radically change your social life today. Your blithe spirits are infectious, and others just want to be where you are. Fill your social calendar, but leave room tonight for the other half. Time together won't be the same old, same old.


Not everyone may agree with you today, but that's no reason to stay in your shell. Let the tyke have a say about whether peas really are better than carrots or some other pressing issue. Keep all discussions lighthearted, and it will be a super day!


Let others set the stage, and you'll like how this day plays out. The scenario holds plenty of twists and turns, all of them pleasant. Such as when the other half suggests adding a steamy scene or two after lights out.

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It's true hard work is rewarded, but today it's what you do in your off-hours that counts. A lunch or after-work meeting could provide you with some inside information for a later career move. Leave time for a late-night tryst with your other half.


You make intellectual connections and can look forward to many stimulating chats with the moms at playgroup. But late in the day you're more interested in romance. Take in a play or movie with the other half, then let nature take its course.


Be open to new ideas. It's true that once you find a look that works for you, you tend to stick with it. But making some changes now will up your confidence. And getting some compliments from the other half is a nice fringe benefit.


You need to get out and try something new today. Stuck for suggestions? Ask the tyke about their mood. They might surprise you when they come up with an answer that proves to be just the thing for both of you.


Your plans may not turn out as expected -- but that just might be an improvement! Go with today's erratic flow. During an impromptu trip to the park with the tyke you just might meet some nice folks, which adds up to new friends for both of you.


You can be a source of inspiration today. Give the tyke and the playground gang a rousing speech about good sportsmanship or other value. You'll have them all rared up and ready to practice what you've preached. Hoorah!


You're tempted to say 'no' when asked to help with a charitable cause. After all, there are all your work and mom duties to consider. But if you can squeeze in an hour or two, you'll find the work more rewarding than you thought.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.