Your Daily MomScope for February 07, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Opportunity knocks loudly today -- so why not open the door? There may be a new job opening or business opportunity that's ideal for the mommy life. It's a good day to be open to new possibilities in your work.


You'll most likely be on the road today, whether for job or personal reasons. Even though your plans are firm, try to work in a side trip for something the kiddo wants. They'll really appreciate your doing so.


You might have to toughen up your approach to your tyke today. They have slacked off on the learning. It's up to you to insure they keep up all the good work no matter what's going on.


Nip any selfish behavior in the bud today. Your baby needs to learn that even though they may want a lot of things, they can't have them all -- especially not all at once. This is an important life lesson for them.


Time for a new exercise program! You're more likely to stick with it if the gym or community center has a Mommy and Me program or a good day care. You'll relax and focus when you know where your little one is.

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It's a day when you hit the ground running. Try to pace yourself, so you keep your energy up. You may be distracted when the tyke keeps peering around corners. That's because someone told them to do so!


This is a good day to launch a home-based project. Let it take flight and see where it takes you. It could be into a field you're unaccustomed to, but that could ultimately prove more rewarding than you ever imagined.


The boss will be in a good mood all day, which works to your advantage. Just don't assume that nod means you can have the rest of the afternoon off. Make sure you really have the go-ahead before you head out to pick up the tyke.


Want to do something different with the tyke -- that doesn't have a high price? Take in a free children's concert or stroll through an art gallery on discount day. You'll both be inspired by all the wondrous creativity.


Your big project is finally ready to go ahead. This is a great day for getting recognition for past hard work. With that winning combination, there's no telling what you'll achieve today as a professional besides of being an awesome mom.


Get as much stuff as possible crossed off your to-do list early in the day. Later, all your big ideas seem to crumble as fast as the little one's first attempt at a pie crust. No matter, you're one resilient cookie.


Time to use those exceptional people skills. Step in when the kiddos are acting up. The game of hide-and-seek will go better once they take turns being 'it.' And it really is your partner's turn to do the dishes.

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