
Your Daily MomScope for July 09, 2023
3 min read

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


A family obligation left hanging over your head can bring you down today. The solution is simple: Get it out of the way early in the day. Then you'll see it's really not such a big deal, and have more time and energy for your little one.


Back when you weren't a mom, you were never afraid to take a chance on love. This might be a wonderful day to rekindle some romance with your other half. Think back to what worked then, and you'll know what to do now.


Get a grip on those pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves, it's said. Instead of springing for the best of everything for your little tyke, you can shop wisely and make sure you're getting value for your money today.


Somewhere, deep inside you, is a bud waiting to bloom -- a secret desire or aspiration that should be nurtured. This would be a great day to bring it out to the light of day. Talk it over with your partner or a friend and see what happens.


Since you're quite sensitive today, it's best to not ask your kiddo's opinion, say of your new hairdo. It's just that they always tell it like it is, and may not have learned the art of the little white lie to save someone's feelings.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!


Same old routine got you down? Today, you will find that you become energized around other people. So pick a fun group of moms to pal around with, and you'll find a simple trip to the beach or pool becomes a super event.


Which is better: Empathy or sympathy? Sympathy with your child's upset over a lost candy or other small disaster is fine. But recall how you felt when something similar happened to you and you'll empathize more deeply.


This is a good day for an impromptu film festival in the family room or even the backyard. Invite some of your kiddo's friends over. Just make sure to lay in a box of tissues, as not all children's movies end happily ever after.


Be prepared to field some questions today. What will the new school be like? Why can't we just get a tent and live at the beach? Some, like 'where are we going?' may lead you to some questioning yourself.


You are dedicated to making this mission a success. You will storm the mall and in record time secure everything necessary to get the kiddo outfitted for back to school or day care. Roger that, over and out!


This is just a phase. Your tyke may be pestering you for a gold-plated binky, diamond-encrusted sneakers or some other bit of back-to-school/day care bling. Good thing they'll settle for rhinestones and glitter!


Remember that thing called romance? With a little effort, you and your partner can recapture that feeling today. Book the sitter and make some plans, because it could very well be a night to remember.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.
