Your Daily MomScope for July 19, 2024

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Once upon a time, long, long ago, you used to be a night owl. Thanks to your baby, you're now able to rise and shine at the crack of dawn. This is one day when getting up and at 'em early definitely puts you ahead of the pack. Hit the beach!


Your tyke has big plans for you -- as in you should run right to the story and buy them the expensive new kicks or designer jeans all the other kids have. Today is not the day to splurge on such luxuries, though.


Wouldn't it be nice if your kiddo's hopes and wishes were in synch with yours? You want them to grow up to be well-mannered, smart, kind and helpful. Today you can get them to see the value of at least one of these worthy goals.


Don't be surprised if your emotions are easily aroused today. This is not a good thing when your tyke decides they will test the boundaries by hounding you to buy them a toy at the checkout line. But it will up the passion ante on date night.


There's so much to learn, and your little one certainly enjoys finding out as much as they can about the world and what makes it work. Encourage their inquisitive spirit today, if only because it's back to school or day care soon!

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What will my teacher be like? Will the other kids like me? Today, you may find you have to deal with your little one's fears. It's up to you to help them separate what's real and what's not, so they can face the new session with confidence.


So you give and you give and you give of yourself -- to your tyke and your other half and your family and your job. Today, it's best to strive for balance by doing something a little selfish, like grabbing some much-needed 'me' time.


The trouble with those back-to-school or day care shopping trips with your tyke is that you must pass a lot of big mirrors. If you feel the need to lose a couple of pounds, today is a good day to start a diet or exercise program.


You have great aspirations for your child and want them to achieve all that they can. But for today, keep it light and focus on playing games. Summer will be over soon enough, and the learning and growing will start in earnest.


Given how well your kiddo can make a case for your buying them the most expensive sneakers in the store, don't be surprised if they become some form of a motivational speaker in the future. Too bad you're not easily convinced.


Who's the boss? Today, you may find your little one asserting their authority and becoming team captain or the lead in the play. And you will want to encourage this initiative, as long as they know that at the end of the day you're really in charge.


You may feel lost in the fog for most of the day, when others send confusing signals. The saving grace is that this is also a highly romantic day. Quiet time with your other half is best conducted by softly flickering candlelight.

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