Your Daily MomScope for June 26, 2024

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


This is a great day to make good use of the telephone and email. Some news could arrive or you'll hear from someone you lost touch with. Your little one's latest exploits should make for some great material.


Even though you've got lots to do today, try slowing things down. Your little one will learn a lot once they get to take a good look around in the park. Then they can get to know that friendly squirrel and test the depth of that mud puddle.


Get your flirt on! Watching your baby woo their latest crush should give you an idea. After all, you and the other half are overdue for some romance! Try an eyelash flutter here and an email there and see where it leads.


If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed today, it's no doubt because there is so much going on around you. Find a quiet place to have a solo lunch and collect your thoughts. You'll feel refreshed and ready to tackle anything afterwards.


You and your kiddo will meet lots of people today, that's for sure. But how can your child tell which one of these folks will become a good friend for life or a mentor? Teach them how to keep an open mind until they're sure.

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Quick reasoning is your forte today. Use it to your advantage in an important meeting or in dealing with your child's last-minute demands. You're able to find the flaw in a plan that others overlooked. Nice catch!


This is an optimal day to explore new learning environments for your little one that are close to home. Why not take them out to see what they can see? Park or zoo or playground or museum or concert hall -- the world is their schoolroom today.


It's best to attenuate certain tendencies in your tyke. Such as when they ask for more cookies or popsicles out of boredom rather than hunger. Let them know up front how many they are allowed -- then stick to it no matter what.


Make sure you're not all talk and no action today. If you issue a warning and it's not heeded, you should be sure to follow up on it with a time out. And if you promised your baby a trip to the beach, by all means hit the road!


Watch for 'micromanagement' today. Someone at work might be out to oversee every teeny, tiny detail of a project. Make sure you diplomatically let them know you're capable of working very well on your own, thanks very much.


This is a good day for romance, so schedule some time with your other half away from the kiddos. You'll be able to turn something as ordinary as movie night into a sizzling affair, as you have more chemistry than Brad and Angie.


You might set a record for miles clocked as you shepherd your little one from camp to dance class to swim meet to whatever is next. But you wouldn't miss out on one minute of fun with them -- would you?

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.