Your Daily MomScope for October 01, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Is your kiddo as good as you are at working in groups? There's only one way to find out. And while they rally the rest of the gang to help build that sandcastle or to put on that puppet show, you can take a break.


Ready for another round, you v. baby? Instead of squaring off against them today, try a different tack. Deploy your secret weapon, your famous patience, and just wait them out. Victory will soon be yours.


You can use peer pressure to your advantage today. For instance, your little one might be encouraged to try new foods because their friends like them. Just make sure you make enough to go all around so no one is left out!


That kiddo of yours loves pushing your buttons sometimes. Today, they may be in for a shock when their usual tactics fail. You will react far less emotionally than usual, and they may have met their match in the war of wits.


So your child's homework project calls for making ladybugs out of coffee filters and you're fresh out? Today, you will come up with alternate solutions to such problems that may prove a great improvement on the original.

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!


It's time for a new organization system. Clear the closet of the heavier gear and big boots and such. Bundle up the stuff your kiddo has outgrown and donate it right away. You'll both feel better afterward.


It's all about romance today as far as you're concerned. It might take all your negotiating skills to line up the babysitter. But it will all be worth it once you and your other half head out for a much-anticipated date night.


Uh, oh! Mom has the decorating bug -- again! Today, you will want to spend time envisioning an upgrade to your home. Just don't get too carried away when it comes to that rat's nest your kiddo calls a room. Maybe they like it that way.


Hello, Mr. Postman! Hello, Ms. Firefighter! You have a big hello for everyone today, which leads to some stimulating and enlightening conversations around the neighborhood. Make sure to include your kiddo, before they start acting up.


Time to cement relations within that good-young-mom (as opposed to the good-old-boy) network. You may not know why you need these women, but you soon will. Common interests will bind you together and you'll find strength in numbers.


You will find that you have the ability to inspire people around you today. Start with your tyke, pointing them in the right direction. The other kids will want to cruise once your child gets a move on. Now look what you've started!


Whenever your little one gets out of their depth, they come running back to you. Today, you should have plenty of sage advice on hand to give them when it all gets to be too much. Let your intuition guide you.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.