
Your Daily MomScope for September 10, 2023
3 min read

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Today, you might want to slow the pace and take the time to observe your kiddo's behavior. Not that they're up to something, it's just that you will learn something about them that will help you be a better parent.


You may find that those around you are feeling moody these days. With so much activity, your tyke especially may need to channel their emotional energy in another way. Help them to do so, and it will all end in hugs.


How can I help you? To make the most of this day, that is the most important question. You'll gain the greatest satisfaction from helping other people, like offering to host a play date so a stressed-out mom can have a break.


You may have to switch off the soaps and tune into a real-life drama today. Your baby may be all worked up over something that they consider very, very vital. It's up to you to listen and empathize and soothe.


Today, you will find you are armed with an intense desire. It could lead you into the boss' den to ask for a raise. Or you might brave your tyke's den and carve a path through the chaos.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Your investigative skills may be required today. If you find night goggles and a detailed floor plan of the kitchen, you can bet that tyke of yours was planning a midnight raid on the cookie jar. Best nip it in the bud.


You'll want to be available for your little tyke as much as possible today. Much as they enjoy their busy schedule of day care and school and activities, they miss quality time with you. A little one-on-one time should be all it takes.


One thing's for sure: today you'll want to be in the thick of the action. You might volunteer to coach the kiddo's team or help with rehearsals for the school play. Whatever you decide to focus on, you'll tackle with gusto.


You might awaken from a very intense dream. If something occurred in it that upsets or concerns you, make sure to talk it out with someone. They'll likely shed some light and help you to make sense of it all so you can have sweet dreams tonight.


Use your insight to inject some structure into your child's schedule. They want to sign up for a hundred activities, and it's up to you to figure out how much they (and you) really have time and money and energy for.


You have a deep desire to be socially useful, and this is the perfect day to act on it. Somewhere, there is a group that is doing good works and really needs your special skills and abilities. Go ahead and check out volunteer possibilities.


You may have to deal with someone who has authority over your child today. Much as you try to avoid confrontation, it's best to ask straight questions and listen closely to the answers. Assuming you know them is not good policy today.

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!
