Your Daily Singles Horoscope for August 17, 2023

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Others find you inspirational, so be on your best behavior. Offer positive, not critical, advice to those who seek it. Keep harsh judgments to yourself. Now is a good time to be a mentor.


Daydreams may derail your deadlines, but they're fun to have. Let your heart soar as you fantasize about a coworker or friend of a friend. Be inspired to find love in real life.


How do others see you? Bossy or introverted? Happy or grumpy? Burned out or full of pep? Decide how you want people to see you. First impressions can't be taken back.


Your empathy for a friend's problem is appreciated more than you know. In fact, your compassion has earned you respect and loyalty that can't be gained quickly. You're a true pal.


Pride can hold back true love if you don't watch yourself. You don't always have to be right to be in a relationship. That goes for first dates too. Keep your initial meeting light and fun.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


An unusual dinner spot is just the ticket for a fun night out. Pick a place with a foreign cuisine you've always wanted to try. Bring along someone special to share a gourmet adventure.


Having a magnetic personality has its pros and cons. You'd prefer to attract those worthy of your attention. It's okay to be selective with your attention. Keep looking for the right match.


It seems like everything is irritating today. Sometimes you're peeved at things you should just tune out. Focus your energy on being productive instead of aggravated. The vexation will pass.


Someone in your family has some advice about love for you. Before you roll your eyes and stop listening, ask them the one question you really want to know the answer to.


Cater to your every whim today. Indulge in your favorite foods and relax in a soothing bubble bath. When you treat yourself like royalty, everyone else will follow suit.


Don't let your past dictate the future. Just because you've had a few bad relationships doesn't mean they're all doomed to end the same way. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and stay positive.


You like to orchestrate romance for other people, setting them up and seeing how it goes. How about shooting one of those arrows at your own heart, Cupid? Now is the time.

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