Your Daily Singles Horoscope for February 29, 2024

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Your own little world is a nice place to be, but don't get so lost in thought that you miss something important like an intriguing tidbit of info or a glance from across the room.


Love gone bad could boggle your mind today, and it's all you can do to brush your teeth. Avoid places and music that remind you of the person. Don't read those love notes. Let the feelings pass.


Sometimes hooking up with a friend works out just fine if feelings don't get involved. Before going down that path, consider the possible consequences, including losing the friendhship.


Your sensible side is still engaged, but there's also that little voice whispering some inside info, call it your romantic muse, your love bug, your heart's intuition. Whatever you call it, listen to it!


Falling in love with a good friend is dangerous. You might be treading a slippery slope. If you're not feeling the vibe in return, this could become very frustrating. Keep your distance for now.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You couldn't ask for better astral energy. The stars are shining brightly on your most delightful qualities, including your romantic nature. You're exuding lovability, so get out there!


Messages are likely to be mixed up at the moment, particularly when it comes to the love and romance department. The one thing you can do is make sure you're being crystal clear.


Bring a dose of healthy skepticism into any romantic dealings now. No need to be paranoid, but make sure you're getting the facts and you're keeping an eye on getting your needs met.


Here's a great way to gauge where this fling is headed: how do your friends feel about the person? If they complain and roll their eyes, chances are they know something you don't. Listen up.


You're responsible for yourself and that's enough. Someone who isn't self-motivated is wrong for you. You don't have the time, energy, or patience to run someone else's life.


If you're paying for everything all the time, this will never work out. Once in a while is fine, but always, no way. You'll be a chump if you continue to foot the bill on every date.


Curiosity may kill cats, but a lack of it will murder your latest fling. If they don't bother to pick up a book or talk about seeing new things or meeting new people, you're dealing with ennui at its worst.

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