Your Daily Singles Horoscope for June 22, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Achieving goals may feel like an uphill battle. However, today your luck could easily turn. Use this opportunity to your advantage by taking a few romantic risks you've been too nervous to attempt. Follow your heart.


Even though an initial encounter may have rubbed you the wrong way, that doesn't mean the person should be crossed off your potential lovers list. Give them a second chance to show you what they're made of.


Someone close could be very influenced by your opinions. Choose your words carefully when dispensing love advice or else face the consequences of your counseling.


When you learn to be flexible today, many of your usual frustrations may fade away. Usually when we're annoyed with the little things in life we miss the good stuff. Be open to change instead of resisting the inevitable.


Be patient when it comes to love. Not all affairs start off perfectly. Relationships of all kinds take work. If you want your next romance to last, be willing to lay down a stable foundation first.

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Stuck in a rut? Change up every part of your usual routine. Take another route to work. Eat at different restaurants. Hang out with new people. The more you take the path less traveled, the less likely you'll get bored with life.


Today you get along well with others. Put your talent for communicating to good use. Ask out someone special. Play mediator in a dispute between pals. The power of suggestion is strong.


Unexpected outbursts from a close friend could mean that problems are starting to bubble up to the surface. When people suppress how they really feel, they eventually explode and lash out. Don't take it personally.


It's a great day to talk to strangers. Show off your mingling powers by chatting with people outside your usual social circle. You never know when you might meet someone worthy of your flirty nature.


Even though your initial plans may not go well, that doesn't mean all is lost. Learn to go with the flow when Plan A isn't running smoothly. Remain calm and keep your sense of humor throughout the ordeal.


An attractive acquaintance might be interested if you took the time to notice. It's easy to spot flirting if you know what to look for. Excessive smiling, winking, open arms, laughing, touching all imply that this person might want to get to know you better.


Be open to change today and you could be in the verge of a new romance. When you stay stuck in your ways, the only possible outcome is a rut. Allowing yourself to experience new things attracts a possible lover who could sweep you off your feet.

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