Your Daily Singles Horoscope for March 17, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Can you just be friends after dating? Maybe. No, it didn't work out in the bedroom, but that doesn't mean you can't start anew. You and this person have more in common than you think. It's a matter of redefining the relationship and the expectations.


When did this dating thing get so dang heavy? All you want to do is have a little fun, but it seems as if everyone just wants to get married and have kids. Do your due diligence. Are you reading their profiles thoroughly but not selectively? You'll get the gist if you're paying attention.


Revealing too much too soon is not good for your image. When you're on the dating scene, parse out information according to the situation and the person. Remain a little enigmatic. Keep the mystery going. Your restraint will pay off.


Avoid standing still for any length of time. The more you go, the more interesting you'll appear to a mysterious stranger. Don't feel obligated to dig into the specifics of your whereabouts. A little mystery is a turn-on!


Sex is great, but just not now. Don't jump into bed with this person too soon even if it's tempting. A premature physical relationship will create more questions than it will answer, so hold off for the time being. You'll know when it's right.

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Fresh romance. There's nothing quite like that endorphin rush. You're walking on air, but hold up! Come back to earth for a sec. Don't neglect your pals and your commitments. Just because you think you're in love doesn't mean you have the right to flake.


If you've been seeing someone, now is a good time to plan a quick vacation with them, an overnight trip or a weekend at most. It's a great way to test the buoyancy of this relationship. Two days is a lot of time to spend with someone, and it's a totally enlightening experience!


Stay current. When you're in the thick of romance, it's easy to forget to do a status check. Put that babbling on hold for a few minutes and have a real conversation. Is the other person still breathing? Great! Get back to wooing.


If you were married right now, you'd be dreaming of singledom. Hey, wake up! That's you! You're living the fantasy, baby! Embrace it! Relish the awesome minutes, hours, and days ahead of you.


You're a gentle, trusting soul to a fault. Predators abound. Someone's waiting to hook up with you just to turn around and dump you when it's all over. Do they seem too good to be true? If you're hearing too much of what you want to hear, get out of there!


You're vaguely interested in a certain someone. Perhaps you're attracted to their enigmatic patina. Though a little mystery is great, it's not always the best asset for a long-term relationship. If you can't imagine this person mixing with your people, don't expect much.


Don't be surprised to experience a little rejection. You can't (and shouldn't) connect with everyone. When you're done tending your wounds, realize you're a fantastic person. So you got dumped. Big deal! Someone way better is right around the corner.

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