Your Daily Singles Horoscope for October 11, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


No one is hotter than you, with your heart pounding, all worked up over some new interest or passion. Get your body moving and meet some new people -- is it yoga? Stamp collecting? Midnight bowling?


People are checking you out in a big way right now -- but only if you put yourself in their sights. Don't waste all the amazing energy that's coming your way reclining on the couch!


Does that online flirtation feel like it's been going on forever? Is it ever going to evolve into an actual date? Unless you're satisfied with the situation, it's definitely time for action.


Check out the paper and local online resources for offbeat art events, lectures, concerts or whatever might be full of fun stuff to do and awesome people to meet. You're on fire now, so set up dates!


You've got that ego in check, you're a bit more subdued, maybe less likely to speak up -- but your subtle charm works wonders! Make lots of eye contact and hold it longer than usual.

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The timing is right, so send a few flirty messages, hit that singles night and put all your skills to work getting some fresh romantic business started. If you seek, you're likely to find!


You can't get by with witty monologues. One of your most underrated social skills is simply listening. When you're engaged -- eye contact, the right answers, etc.-- you're at your most charming, especially right now.


If you concentrate on what you really want, now is the time to make a deposit into the First Bank of Karma. Make a match for a friend, toss around sincere compliments and just get down to the sweet stuff!


You've got a lot on your mind (and on your plate) for the time being, and don't think that people don't notice. If you have to attend to romantic business, you need to really focus -- or maybe to postpone.


It's a small world, and that can work to your advantage when it comes to romance. Let people know you're on the hunt. If you ask around for more info, you might learn what you need to know.


Anything that helps you get centered -- running, maybe, or getting in touch with nature -- helps you find a new balance when it comes to love. You should see with a new clarity.


Your receptive nature helps turn you into someone's romantic-business consultant today. Offer your best empathy, but remember there's only so much you can do to help.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!