Your Daily TeenScope for February 29, 2024

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Something doesn't feel right, but just this once you're allowed to ignore it and keep on trucking. If you're persistent, you'll make a big score really soon. But that won't happen unless you maintain a steady pace, regardless of the obstacles.


You know that one person you've hardly ever spoken with but still can't stop thinking about? It's time to step up and say something, anything, to make their acquaintance. Chances are, they've been admiring you too.


It feels as if everyone around you is playing mommy, and you're the only one not having fun. Why not throw up your hands and retreat to the relative privacy of your room? It's okay to hide from this mad, mad world once in a while.


Do you feel aimless? You probably are right now, but it's really not such a big deal. Go where life leads you and jump off from there when you're ready. If that doesn't work, maybe it's time to jot down some tangible goals.


You're probably already well-liked, but a little extra mojo couldn't hurt. Find some way to change a friend's life for the better, then make it happen. It'll be even better if they're not aware of your influence.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. ??


There's romance right there for the taking if you want it. Someone you wouldn't expect is interested, but a little too shy to let you know. If you know who it is, break the ice yourself. If you don't, start looking for the signs.


Things might feel a little slow right now, but you don't have to succumb to boredom. Figure out your next move while you're waiting for the times to change.


Have you been holed up in your room for too long? That weird feeling is a need for interaction with people. Seek out those who are most like you and get to chatting. Small gestures break the ice.


You've got to go easy on yourself for a while. You've been exerting energy all over the place without thinking about what it's costing you, and now you're all tired. Take a break.


It's your day, and everything good is coming toward you. You might win an award or some praise from someone you respect, but no matter what happens, you'll feel great.


Whoa! You're a little out of touch right now. While it might seem like you know what's going on, there's actually some heavy business about to catch you by surprise.


It's low-key party time for you. Hanging out with close friends is as near as you're going to come to heaven any time soon, so gather the tribe and chill. Why not host an end-of-summer bash for a few of your closest and favorite people?

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!