Your Daily TeenScope for July 19, 2024

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


It's all about getting places. If you know where you want to be, you're almost there. If not, start putting it all together and move on it quickly.


Assume the fighting position -- somebody's going to get up in your grill today for no good reason. You won't actually be fighting, but you might feel more aggro than usual.


Lost in thought? Hmm ... maybe. Yep, you're definitely out in space today, but don't let it worry you -- some killer ideas are coming in loud and clear.


Money troubles could come up -- but not the normal kind. You and your people can't agree on how or where or maybe even why to spend the money you have.


Try to let go of some of those positive feelings -- you've got plenty, and too many will make it look like you're totally full of yourself.

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You'll get hit with a lightning bolt of inspiration and will find a new way to keep your life humming along smoother than ever. Let a few close people in on it.


It's all about the good times for you right now as you sync up with the world's vibrations. If you're looking for a little love connection, you might meet the right person.


Everything is a little out of whack around the house for now -- even more so than usual. Try to chill and sink beneath it all, but don't worry if the drama catches up to you. You can deal.


Meeting cool new people has never been easier -- you're feeling at ease and chattier than usual, so walk up to that mysterious stranger and see where a few words can take you.


Be tight with the Benjamins and all the other dead presidents on paper -- you've got to hang onto what you've got for a little while longer. New information is coming.


You're crackling with this high-energy vibe that might get out of control. Don't run away from it, but don't let it run away with you, either.


It's like you're running for Class Saint -- all you can do is help out wherever you think you're needed. Score some points and do what's right, but take care of your own needs, too.

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