Demi Lovato Says She Wants to Adopt After Explaining She Can’t See Herself Getting Pregnant

Demi Lovato Says She Wants to Adopt After Explaining She Can’t See Herself Getting Pregnant

From Cosmopolitan

Demi Lovato opened up about potentially becoming a parent in the future, saying she doesn’t see herself getting pregnant but is interested in adopting a child. Speaking to Joe Rogan (via Us Weekly) over the weekend, Demi explained, “I think if anything, I want to adopt, more than anything.…Life doesn’t go according to any plan. So I could sit here and say, ‘Yes, I would love to have children.’ But I don’t know, because that might change next week. I think in this moment, I want to adopt, for sure.”

She went on to say that her plans changed following the end of her engagement to Max Ehrich, explaining, “I don’t know, I was engaged to a man last year. I totally thought that I’d be married, maybe pregnant, by now. And that’s not the case. I know that my life is not going according to my plan.”

Demi continued, “I can’t really see myself even getting pregnant. I don’t know. I’m so fluid now, and a part of the reason why I am so fluid is because I was super closeted off.” She went on to confirm that she’s pansexual, saying, “I’m part of the alphabet mafia and proud.”

The singer previously told Glamour, “When I started getting older, I started realizing how queer I really am. This past year, I was engaged to a man, and when it didn’t work, I was like, ‘This is a huge sign.’ I thought I was going to spend my life with someone. Now that I wasn’t going to, I felt this sense of relief that I could live my truth.”

During the interview, Demi also said, “I know who I am and what I am, but I’m just waiting until a specific timeline to come out to the world as what I am.…I’m following my healers’ timeline, and I’m using this time to really study and educate myself on my journey and what I’m preparing to do.”

Check out more from Demi’s interview below:

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