The Democratic Candidates For President Shared Their Campaign "Comfort Foods" And I Don't Even Know Where To Start

Photo credit: The Washington Post - Getty Images
Photo credit: The Washington Post - Getty Images

From Delish

The New York Times recently had the opportunity to ask most of the 24 Democratic presidential candidates about their favorite comfort foods. Twenty-one of them answered. There's a lot going on here, so in order to parse it all down for you, we went through and picked our five favorite (and least favorite) answers from the video.

To start: the favs!

Jay Inslee, Governor, Washington

"It was M&Ms, but I've taken an oath now to lay off the M&M's to maintain belt security." My guy actually referred to staying fit as "maintain[ing] belt security." And he did it all with a straight face.

Kamala Harris, Senator, California

“French fries. I love a good French fry, or a few, or many, or just the whole thing.” The pure joy on Kamala's face makes us believe that french fries really are her jam.

Elizabeth Warren, Senator, Massachusetts

“Probably chips and guacamole.” We see you, Liz!

Michael Bennet, Senator, Colorado

“An Italian sausage sandwich at Pass Key in Pueblo, Colorado.” As niche as this answer is, we respect it.

Tulsi Gabbard, Congresswoman, Hawaii

“I try to stay away from it, but vegan cupcakes is probably a real threat on the trail.” We love that Gabbard is trying to stay healthy (like the rest of us), but still definitely loves sugar. This answer is kind of a mood.

And now, the, uh, not as great answers!

Andrew Yang, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist

“Kind bars are my comfort food.” That's...not possible. Delicious? Yes. Comforting? Absolutely not. Thank you, next.

Marianne Williamson, Author and Activist

“I have no comfort food." For someone who wrote a book titled Healing the Soul of America, I'm concerned.

Bernie Sanders, Senator, Vermont

“Last time out, we did a trip to the West Coast, and I gained three pounds in four days. So it’s too much comfort food.” How did you gain the weight, Bernie?! Was it street tacos? Was it In-N-Out (which, probably, given the above photo from 2016)? Details!

John Delaney, Former Congressman, Maryland

“Grilled chicken sandwich from McDonald’s, no sauce. Two of them.” While we appreciate his disregard for portion control, sauce provides flavor.

Seth Moulton, Congressman, Massachusetts

“You can’t beat a burger for a quick classic American meal.” You tried way too hard on this one, my dude.

And last but not least, we leave you with...this:

Julián Castro, former housing secretary

“I don’t have a food. I have a comfort drink, which is iced tea.”

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