Disneyland Power Outage Shuts Down Rides During Incredibly Busy Holiday Week

What to know if you're expecting a refund.

A power outage at Disneyland, in Anaheim, California, took down about a dozen rides on Wednesday morning.

Toontown, Fantasyland, and other rides were affected by a problem with a transformer on the property, KTLA reported.

Most of the affected rides were running again by noon, however the outage comes during one of Disneyland's busiest weeks all year. While outages like this are often solved quickly, getting rides going again can be slow — and lines can back up quickly. The backup could have a ripple effect later into the day.

A park spokesman told the Los Angeles Times that no refunds were expected.

Park visitors had to be escorted off the rides, including the Monorail, KABC reported. The outage came just after Disneyland posted a message on Twitter about how busy the park is today.

Around 1 p.m. local time, the park tweeted that guests would only be admitted for re-entry — so any late starts to Disneyland today should instead be heading for the California Adventure Park.