Service Dog Can't Stop Staring at His Beauty After Discovering a Mirror

He couldn’t believe what was in front of him.

We can’t remember what was racing through our minds when we first saw our reflection in a mirror. We probably stared blankly back at the reflection, confused the image was mimicking our every move. But we were also probably amazed. We imagine it was a similar reaction to what this service dog went through.

TikTok service dog was riding the elevator when all of a sudden he noticed something on the ceiling. It was a mirror! His reaction is how we imagine our reaction would be looking at a mirror the first time. It’s both adorable and downright priceless. No wonder this clip has over 5.8 million views. Check it out!

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Aww, this is seriously so adorable! He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. If we looked half as cute as this dog, we’d be staring in the mirror too. LOL!

“Dog was having an out-of-body experience,” commented @kyra_unhinged. Well, we don’t remember our first experience of looking in a mirror, but we imagine it definitely feels a little like an out-of-body experience. @k9.lifeline added what this dog was thinking, “He said, ‘Damn I’m this gorgeous?’” Yes, yes you are! One of the more gorgeous dogs we ever did see.

Another TikToker, @patches4george_2013, wrote, “He’s giving himself the stare down. Too cute!’ He definitely wasn’t a little confused at first, as anyone would be, but then he realized it was just him staring back! @kevinpickart1 added, “He’s doing his daily mirror affirmations.” Aww, we love that! He’s reminding himself that he’s an awesome service dog and that he’s doing the best job ever.

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