Dog Ends Up in Most Ridiculous Place After Mom Lets Him Outside

Now how did he get up there?

Dogs are so funny. We always assume that they have very distinct routines which usually consist of eating, sleeping, going on walks, doing their business, playing fetch and possibly chasing a squirrel. But every now and then they do something totally outrageous that no pet owner would expect. 

Just check out adorable Captain who belongs to TikTok user @Kapandchief. There's no way mom was expecting to find this hilarious scene when she let Captain out in the yard! 

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Mom, it may be time to move that wood pile! LOL, this is like the Christmas carol "Up On The Rooftop" and @Karina agrees, commenting "He’s definitely practicing for his Santa paws audition!" @Brandeeestes adds, "He was one of Santa’s reindeer in his past life." @Bingkingmanatee says, "Look Mom, I'm a reindeer!" Aww, he's just getting in the holiday spirit! 

So the next time you hear something on the roof, you may want to double-check where your dog is. Or, you know, just assume it's Santa because you've been so good this year! 

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