Donald Trump's Reported Weight Loss Plan Still Includes Burgers


Can we expect President Donald Trump to look any better in his bright red golfing shorts by 2018’s end? That’s unlikely, but POTUS is apparently taking (baby) steps to try and look leaner.

According to CNN, Trump, who’s been known for ordering a 2,530-calorie meal at McDonald’s, has been trying to shed 10 to 15 pounds since January, altering what he puts into his mouth (not so much what spews out of it), and working closely with his White House physician to figure out what’s best for a 70-year-old man who probably wasn’t repulsed after watching Super Size Me. Perhaps this is his way of keeping things fresh with Melania? By the way, she’s still at the White House, despite speculation that she's gone M.I.A.

This all came to light on Wednesday when he teamed up with his daughter Ivanka to stress the importance of physical fitness at a White House event, encouraging America’s youth to play sports. As CNN outlines, Trump’s goal of shedding some of his 239 pounds (as of January) came after a nudge from the two ladies in his life: Ivanka and Melania. Ironically, Trump doesn’t seem to be following the “calories in, calories out” method to weight loss. In fact, it turns out he doesn’t really believe in the “calories out” part—aka breaking a sweat.

“Some people exercise, some people don’t,” White House doctor Ronny Jackson told reporters in January. “Some people just haven’t done that as part of their routine. And I would say that’s the category he falls in right now.”

Trump, expectedly, thinks he's going just fine. “I get exercise. I mean, I walk, I this, I that,” he previously told Reuters. “I run over to a building next door. I get more exercise than people think.”

RELATED: Where Is Melania Trump? The First Lady Sparks Moving Rumors After Extensive Absence

But for real. How, exactly, is he hoping to see that number drop on the scale without hopping on the treadmill? So far, the president has…

  • Hired a nutritionist.

  • Renovated the gym next to the Lincoln Bedroom (no word on how often he goes).

  • Created an aerobic exercise schedule that is "healthy" and doesn’t hurt his joints.

  • Replaced steak, which is usually covered in ketchup, with Dover sole, usually covered in brown butter and capers.

  • Attempted to eat more vegetables, though we’re not sure how many or which kind.

  • Eaten cheeseburgers after a round of golf...but is removing ONE half of the bun.

Progress? Sounds like baloney.