Donald Trump, Famous for Bizarre Coif, Tweets Altered Photo of Balding Ted Cruz

Love him or hate him, there’s one thing we can all agree about Donald Trump: his hairstyling technique to create the illusion of a full head of hair is completely bizarre. Obviously a sensitive subject for the presidential hopeful, he made a strange power play last week, retweeting an altered image of Ted Cruz’s book A Time for Truth, revealing a falsely receded hairline and edited text reading A Time to Lie: “I am an untrustworthy person, I took loans from Wall Street and lied about it. I was in cahoots with Wall Street, also Trump was also right I am a Canadian Citizen and banker!”

Photo: Twitter

We recently discovered we haven’t elected a bald president since 63 years ago when Dwight D. Eisenhower took office. Apparently our perceptions of people with hair loss are so important, and Trump clearly knows this. “Why we find a full head of hair [attractive] is part of what makes us human,” says Anderson. “It’s an essential part of the human condition.”

While Trump’s hair is less than perfect, he is careful to prove during video interviews that it is real, asking countless strangers to touch his hair. “The generous amount of hair in the ‘wing’ that he’s created to cover leads me to believe there’s some hair remaining on the front and top portion of his scalp,” hair surgeon Dr. Kenneth Anderson tells Yahoo Beauty. He believes that Trump had a 1970s hair restoration procedure, and currently is rocking “one of the most prolific comb-overs of all time.”

Strange as it is, Trump is definitely proud of his hair that is very unique to him. He knows America doesn’t like bald guys, and he’d like voters to believe that his opponent can’t be trusted and he, with his golden wing, is no phony.


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