The Everyday Differences I've Realized As A Gen Z'er From Living With My Millennial Significant Other
3 min read
Just as the great millennial vs. Gen Z debate of 2021 was starting to take off, I, a true 2000s-born Gen Z'er, started seeing a millennial who's 10 years older.
It was my first age gap relationship, so I didn't really know what to expect. But after living in the same space together, I realized how much of a cultural and social difference there was in that 10-year age gap.
While every relationship has differences between the partners, we probably have double the amount of a relationship with a smaller age gap. These are the differences that are especially prevalent in our day-to-day lives:
1.The apps we spend the most time on:
2.Our alarm clocks:
3.Our most used emojis:
4.How we make coffee:
5.The milk we drink:
6.How we say "LOL":
7.Our caffeine boosts of choice:
8.Our deodorants:
9.Our own styles:
10.Our overall idea of boots:
11.How we take selfies:
12.How we even drink water:
13.The fact that he still orders magazines:
14.Our bags of choice:
15.How we watch TV:
16.And lastly, how we listen to music:
There are so many other differences between us, but these truly stand out the most to me. If you're in a relationship with a ~wide~ age gap, what are some different quirks you've noticed? Share down in the comments below!