Drivers Stop Traffic and Wrestle in the Middle of the Highway in Viral Road Rage Incident

We typically associate road rage with being behind the wheel of our cars and cursing out fellow drivers from the comfort of our own vehicles. More serious road rage incidents can escalate into physical confrontations, sometimes affecting other drivers besides themselves.

Drivers in Toronto, Canada on Sept. 12 were all inconvenienced by two upset drivers' beef. In an apparent road rage incident, the two people were wrestling each other in the middle of Highway 401 during the after-work rush hour, struggling to pin each other to the road as traffic piled up behind them.

Ontario Provincial Police Sgt. Kerry Schmidt elaborated on what happened and warned drivers to think twice before trying to fight another motorist. "You know you're having a bad day when you find yourself rolling around on the [highway] fighting with someone else who you became annoyed with as a result of a road rage incident," Kerry said, plainly calling it "a road rage situation."

Police aren't sure what exactly led to the two drivers' fight, but Kerry cautioned to not let yourself become that person.

“This can turn violent. It could turn deadly. You don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s really not worth it,” he said. "Please, if you're going to get hot under the collar, please don't turn it into physical actions and start looking for vigilante justice. This is certainly unacceptable anytime, anywhere."

Sometimes the juice isn't worth the squeeze, especially if it causes you to be face-down on the street.