'Duck Dynasty' star Bella Robertson, 18, is married! See the radiant pics

"Duck Dynasty" star Bella Robertson tied the knot with Jacob Mayo on June 5, approximately one year after they began dating.

She posted joyous photos (courtesy of Andrew James Abajian) showing the bride and groom embracing in front of a tree and hugging as she jumps in the air and fireworks go off behind them:

"6.5.21 was easily the best day of my life. i love you forever and ever," she wrote in the caption.

The dress is simple and really beautiful, but we love those kicky sneakers she has on in the second photo!

This is the culmination of a yearlong courtship; the pair got engaged in November 2020 and went for their marriage license in May, sharing that happy milestone on Instagram:

"Signed, sealed, delivered — @jacobdmayo IM YOURS !!!!!!!" Robertson wrote.

Groom Mayo also shared pictures of himself with his bride (be sure to click to scroll through) including his own fireworks shot:

"Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Mayo," he wrote.

Friends and family also commented on the images: "Gorgeous!! Congratulations Bella and Jacob," wrote Candace Cameron Bure. Bella dated her son Lev for a time in 2018.

"Soooo beautiful!! I love you two!!!" wrote the mother of the bride, Korie Robertson.

And Mayo also left a comment! "The woman of my dreams. Also the most beautiful woman in the world," he wrote.

Congratulations, you two!
