Ellen DeGeneres Calls On Fans to Boycott These Famous Hotels in Instagram Post

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From House Beautiful

Ellen DeGeneres has called on fans and friends alike to boycott several famous hotels-and for a very good reason. The list of luxe hotels below are owned by the Sultan of Brunei, who today implemented a violent anti-gay law that states those who commit homosexual acts are to be stoned to death.

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has voiced his support of this new law since 2014, when he called for the implementation of Sharia law in the Southeast Asian country, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Along with stoning, the new law calls for amputation and other violent penalties for other crimes like theft and adultery.

"Tomorrow, the country of #Brunei will start stoning gay people to death. We need to do something now," Ellen's Instagram caption reads. "Please boycott these hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei. Raise your voices now. Spread the word. Rise up."

The talk show host has also supported the boycott of these hotels back in 2014 when the news of the Sultan's views first broke.

"I won't be visiting the Hotel Bel-Air or the Beverly Hills Hotel until this is resolved," her tweet stated.

Other celebs have also voiced their support of Ellen and the hotel boycott on social media like George Clooney, Ellen Pompeo, Elton John, and Bobby Berk.

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