Emma Heming Gives Insight Into Care for Bruce Willis Following Dementia Diagnosis

The model is ensuring she's properly equipped to care for her husband following his frontotemporal dementia diagnosis.

Following Bruce Willis' diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia, his family has made his care a priority.

The Die Hard star's wife Emma Heming has offered fans a glimpse into the steps she's taking to best equip herself as his caretaker, giving an update on Instagram yesterday, Feb. 28.

To educate herself on the care Willis will need long-term, Heming reached out to Teepa Snow, a dementia specialist who has previously gone viral on TikTok for her dementia and Alzheimer's education and care tips.

Heming shared a photo of the pair embracing, writing, "I’m grateful I had the opportunity to work with [Teepa Snow] who has helped me add to my dementia care toolbox. She’s a loving, compassionate and skilled leader in this space who navigates herself with pure empathy. She’s a gift."

She also directed followers to Snow's website, which "has a wealth of caregiving information you might find useful," and tagged the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration, which helped the family announce Willis' most recent diagnosis.

Snow was quick to give Hemming just as much credit in the comments, affirming the "absolutely remarkable job" she's done "of providing the right support for Bruce as his abilities have changed." She added that Emma has "created a place, space and life that continues to provide him with what he needs to live well" before congratulating the model and the rest of the Willis family for their "very, very hard work and dedication" to coming up with "the right programming and support" to allow Bruce "to continue living life."

She also shared a new article on her own site to coincide, educating followers about the signs of FTD, which is also known as Pick's disease.

Meanwhile, followers who have been in Heming's shoes sent their support and advice.

"I lived in my mothers world for years," one follower shared. "She thought I was her sister most of the time. But those rare times when she recognized me were the best."

The commenter continued, "I never told her she was wrong when she called me her sisters name. I played along and watched her programs and did the things that she loved doing. I did not want her to stress about anything. I gave her a good life. No matter what Bruce says, even if it’s wrong, go with it. He doesn’t like being confused either. I made it a point to not be upset by anything my mother did or said. When the dementia hit, I knew her life had changed so I rolled with it."

"What I have learned during the 16 years I cared for my mom was… do NOT have expectations," another commenter advised. "Just accept things as they are, and when good days pop up it is a pleasant surprise!!"

"So glad you have some good supports in place. I went through the same illness with my Dad for 13 years. Sending love from New Zealand. Stay strong," said another.

One commenter spoke for all of us, writing, "I’m sure you have heard this multiple times but the way that you and your family are handling everything is inspiring.It’s obvious that you all share a strong connection and ??"

Willis is understandably absent from the spotlight these days, but he delighted fans with a rare appearance on his daughter Tallulah's Instagram account earlier this year. An inspirational snippet of his speech from his Comedy Central roast also went viral shortly after his FTD diagnosis was made public.

Related: Bruce Willis' Wife Shares Throwback Footage of Falling in Love With Him