Empty Bowls accepting applications

Empty Bowls of Owensboro, the nonprofit that seeks to assist other local organizations in fighting hunger, is currently accepting applications for entities interested in being considered as a recipient for its annual dinner and silent auction fundraiser.

The event will take place from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 17 inside the lobby of the RiverPark Center.

Tina Taylor, chairperson of Empty Bowls, which was established in 2005, said one of the main parts of the event include handmade bowls that have been made throughout the year by area potters, community members, committee members and students of Brescia University among others.

“We partner with other organizations to make bowls,” Taylor said. “Sometimes we have private bowl making events. … A couple of weekends ago, we had a partnership with (Wendell Foster) … There’s a lot of different ways we achieve the bowls and our goal is to have them ready by the event.”

Those who buy tickets to the event are able to pick one of the bowls, with all the proceeds going toward an organization that has a “primary role” of “feeding the hungry,” Taylor said.

For the 2023 event, Empty Bowls raised $34,000, with the funds being split between First Christian Church and King’s Table.

The amount of funds has seen an annual increase.

In 2022, Empty Bowls received $30,000 while 2021 saw $16,000.

“... Our goal was to grow and to feed as many people as we can, and we’ve been able to do that by expanding how many organizations we give to each year,” Taylor said, who has been the organization’s chairperson for about six years. “... It’s really exciting (to see the growth) and it’s very humbling.

“... It’s pretty universal and I think most people can get on board with that concept of people not going hungry in the community.”

Taylor said Empty Bowls is still seeking sponsors, silent auction donations and bowls to auction for the event. For the latter, Taylor said the bowls have to be food safe, cannot have rough edges and must have food-safe glaze. Those that do not fit the requirements will be used as silent auction items.

Organizations interested in applying can visit eboky.org/application. The submission deadline is July 31.

Taylor said Empty Bowls will vote on application recipients during its August meeting, with tickets for the October event are planned to go on sale mid-to-end of September.

For more information or questions about Empty Bowls, visit eboky.com or facebook.com/EmptyBowlsOwensboro.