Erin Napier Opens Up About Quitting Her Daily Journal

Erin Napier Opens Up About Quitting Her Daily Journal

Since Erin and Ben Napier welcomed their daughter, Helen, earlier this year, we've loved seeing glimpses into their new life as a family of three on instagram (Best. Nursery. Ever.) But devoted fans of the HGTV "Home Town" star have likely noticed something being moved to the back burner: Erin's journal. A daily part of her life since 2010, Napier recently took to instagram to share a bit about what that time away from journaling has been like.

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"I’ve been feeling a little bereft, missing doing my online daily journal, missing the intentional documentation of writing down and counting my blessings every single day. I did it for 8 entire years without missing one day. Then as we began to write our book based on my journals, I began to see the end of it coming, whether I wanted to admit it or not. That very specific time for us as newlyweds, a family of 2 before we became a family of 3 is now a capsule, and I can revisit it anytime I want. Now we are responsible for protecting another person, giving her privacy and room to grow without it being a story for public consumption each day, but I don’t know that I could do a journal now without it being about her," writes Napier, captioning a photo of her holding The Five-Minute Journal, a gratitude diary with more than 1,000 five-star reviews on Amazon "And so that’s why I’ve pulled away from writing online for a few months. Maybe I will find a way to come back to it, but for now I’m excited to start this new journal tomorrow that’s just for us. I have not written down much of what’s happened in the last 5 months since she was born, and I worry if I will remember any of it. If it ever happened. Tomorrow, I’ll remember again."

Fans of Napier seem on board with her move, quipping "It could be a beautiful gift for your daughter someday" and "I've really missed reading your writing but completely understand and respect where you’re at in life. Do what makes you happy!" in the comments section.

Indeed, we'll miss your daily missives, but happy writing, Erin!