Eva Amurri Martino's family business is growing

For actress-turned-lifestyle-blogger Eva Amurri Martino, work is a family affair ā€”and the family is about to get bigger: Earlier this week, Martino announced that she and her husband, NBC Sports analyst and former pro soccer player Kyle Martino, are expecting their third child.

The announcement came on Martinoā€™s blog, Happily Eva After, under the cheeky headline, ā€œMy Most Exciting Collaboration Yet!ā€ Martino is already mother to 5-year-old daughter Marlowe and soon-to-be 3-year-old son Major.

Martino, who is the daughter of Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon, turned to blogging full-time after suffering a miscarriage in 2015. She has made motherhoodā€” the good, the bad, the fun, the painfulā€” an integral part of her blog and brand.

ā€˜Itā€™s new groundā€™

Yahoo Financeā€™s Jen Rogers recently talked to Martino about her life as a working mom and how she navigates the uncharted territory of building an online brand that focuses so much on her family:

So obviously, your kids, Marlowe and Major, are very integral to this. They are a big part of your business, your brand. Does having them be such a part of what you do make it easier or harder to juggle work and parenting?

Yeah, I mean, honestly, it sort of depends on the day. My daughter is in a phase right now where she doesn't want to be a part of anything until I'm shooting it without her, and then all the sudden she does want to be a part of it. It's kind of like her power struggle right now. My son's obsessed with it. I think he really just has a crush on my photographer that I use. But it really depends.

Sometimes itā€™s so fun. We did a project where we went to a beautiful resort as a family and then we shot this video for them. That was amazing, because we were all in Mexico together. And it was beautiful and fun. But it was also tough to try to fit in work and have it not really seem like work to them. So it's confusing, that boundary.

I feel like with all that stuff, I'm just kind of figuring it out like anyone. And also, figuring out parenting, just itself at the same time. So it's a constant dance, and some days I'm more successful than others I would say.

You have your kids and you're a business woman, but you're kind of out there (in the public eye). What do you want them to take away from this?

You know, it's really interesting. I've been thinking about this a lot as my kids get older and they become sort of more aware, because we get approached a lot. And people who they don't know know them. And we try to keep it super light. Everyone's normally so, so nice. But it's an interesting line to walk. I really don't know the answer to it. I think that Marlowe loves (it). She calls it like, ā€˜Let's show them.ā€™ If we're filming an Instagram story, she's like, ā€˜I wanna show them this. I wanna sing for them. Or I wanna dance for them.ā€™ And she loves that part. And she thinks it's really cool to be sharing with all these people.

It's gonna be interesting to see how it progresses. I don't know. I wish I had an answer and I wish that there were any examples to look to. But there really aren't.

It's new ground.

It's new ground. And I just try to keep them limited and we have a lot of security in place. So that's taken care of. But I think both my kids are really open-hearted and they like to connect with people. So I've noticed that in that way it makes them really happy.

The interview has been lightly edited for clarity.

My Three Cents with Jen Rogers is a weekly interview series that explores celebritiesā€™ history with ā€” and relationship to ā€” money and career. Find it exclusively on Yahoo Finance.

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