Eva Longoria Shares An Easy Way to Support American Farmers This Month

Photo credit: Alison Kelly/Tillamook
Photo credit: Alison Kelly/Tillamook

From Delish

In a time when Americans have taken stock of which workers are deemed "essential," there's one group of workers that actress and activist Eva Longoria doesn't want us to forget about: farmers. "They've always been essential to the American food supply," Longoria tells Woman's Day. That's why she's teamed up with Tillamook Creamery for its "All for Farmers" program, which will donate 10 percent of its September sales to fund programs that save farms and support sound farming practices.

When asked why it is important to her to raise awareness around American farmers, she simply says, "Because I eat food," a connection she thinks everyone can relate to. "I feel like people always need a connection to causes, and supporting farmers and farm workers is the easiest connection," she says. "If you eat food, you should care where it comes from, who planted it, picked it, and processed it, and those are farmers and farm workers."

Luckily, through its partnership with the American Farmland Trust, Tillamook is making it easy to give back to farmers this month. "All you have to do is eat," Longoria says. Supporting America's farmers is as easy as eating your favorite Tillamook cheeses and ice creams (Longoria's favorite is the old fashioned vanilla). And if you're feeling especially thankful while enjoying your favorite dairy products, share a photo online with a thank you message to America's dairy farmers and include the hashtags #AllForFarmers and #Sweepstakes for a chance to win free Tillamook ice cream for a year. That's a lot of ice cream, so maybe start preparing ice cream sandwich recipes now just in case...

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